Chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 9 là chương trình đặc biệt quan trọng, chiếm phần lớn trong bài thi chuyển cấp môn tiếng Anh. Chính vì vậy, việc nắm được các dạng bài tập tiếng anh lớp 9 để có thể rèn luyện thường xuyên là rất quan trọng bởi đây là chương trình có nội dung học nặng và khó hơn, yêu cầu học sinh cần linh hoạt và có khả năng vận dụng cao. Hiểu được điều đó, tiếng Anh giao tiếp Langmaster đã tổng hợp các bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án theo SGK hiện hành (có PDF) trong bài viết dưới đây để các em học sinh tiện ôn tập.

I. Tổng quan kiến thức tiếng Anh lớp 9 Global Success

Lớp 9 là giai đoạn chuyển cấp quan trọng đối với học sinh, đòi hỏi các em phải tiếp thu một khối lượng kiến thức lớn, đặc biệt là môn tiếng Anh. Chính vì vậy, để giúp các em tự tin hơn trong việc học và chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi, Langmaster tổng hợp toàn bộ kiến thức tiếng Anh lớp 9 đã được hệ thống hóa theo từng bài học nhằm giúp các em dễ dàng ôn tập, nắm bắt được những bài tập kiến thức quan trọng và nâng cao khả năng sử dụng tiếng Anh một cách hiệu quả.


Từ vựng

Ngữ pháp

Unit 1: Local Community

Artisan, Workshop, Handicraft, Attraction, Preserve, Cast, Craft, Craftsman, Authenticity, Drumhead, Mould, Embroider, Frame, Lacquerware, Sculpture, Weave, Set off, Face up to, Close down, Pass down, Turn down,…

Các loại mệnh đề độc lập trong câu phức; Cụm động từ 

Unit 2: City Life

Ancient, Man-made, Metropolitan, International, Urban, Multicultural, Historic, Cosmopolitan, Recreation, Downtown, Skyscraper, Cost of living, City dweller, Tourist destination,  Convenient, Fabulous, Reliable, Helpful, Fascinating, Comfortable, Stressful, Modern, Populous,  Fashionable, Facility, Amusement, Jet lag, Higher education, Show around, Set up, Knock down,…

Dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ và trạng từ; Cụm động từ

Unit 3: Healthy Living for Teens

stressed, tense, disappoint, expect, frustrated, delighted, empathize, guidance, situation, adolescence, embarrassed, self-discipline, budget, favorable, empathize, dilemma, cognitive, abandon,...

Câu tường thuật; Từ để hỏi đứng trước to V-inf

Unit 4: Remembering the Past

generation, technological change, wealthy, Skillfully, Fiction, Attendant, Bare-footed, loudspeakers, Illiterate, Practice, Chalk, Teaching aid, Extended, Street Vendors, Go back, Pull out, Act out,  Buffalo-Driven Carts, Fatal,..

Cấu trúc used to; Cấu trúc thể hiện mong ước trong hiện tại

Unit 5: Our experiences

Natural, Man-made, Museum, Cathedral,  Monument, Pagoda, Tower, National Park, Fortress, Tomb, Temple, Citadel,  Sculpture, Structure, Setting, Complex, Sight, Theme, Backdrop, Spectacular, Astounding, Vast, Picturesque, Extraordinary…

Câu bị động; Cấu trúc suggest + V-ing / mệnh đề với should

Unit 6: Vietnamese Lifestyle: Then and Now

freedom, extended family, condition, lucky, facility, exhibition, initially, equipped, significant, totally, dramatic, surrounded,  overhead, collective, sympathetic, tolerant, elevated, cooperative, obedient, import, relieved, illiteracy, mushroom,…

Thì quá khứ hoàn thành; Cấu trúc tính từ + to V-inf / mệnh đề that

Unit 7: Natural Wonders of the World

access, annual, biodiversity, coral, crazy, destination, ecosystem, feature, locate, location, majestic, travel destination, occur…

Lượng từ, động từ khuyết thiếu trong câu điều kiện loại 1

Unit 8: Tourism

Holiday, Trip, Tour, Expedition, Excursion, Explore, Sightseeing, Luggage, Reserve, Visit, Travel, Check-in, Permit, Speciality, Semi-desert,  Valley, Wildlife, Safari, Plain, Lush, Tropical, Breathtaking, Exotic, Friendly, Famous, Delicious, Inaccessible, Resort, Accommodation,...

Các cách dùng khác của mạo từ

Unit 9: World Englishes

Accent, Operate, Dialect, Vowel, Estimate, Bilingual, Technical term, Rusty, Speak a word, Get by in a language, Pick up a language, Look up, Imitate, Immigration, Immersion, Derivative, Continent, Admission, Multinational, Dominant, Mother tongue, Second language,…

Câu điều kiện loại 2; Mệnh đề quan hệ

Unit 10: Planet Earth

Astronaut, Operate, Cosmonaut, Parabolic flight, Experiment, Cooperate, Satellite, Leisure, Professional, Maintenance, Discovery, Altitude, Telescope, Rocket, Science, Station, Space, Mission,  Universe, Planet, Star, Meteorite, Launch, Orbit, Solar system,...

Thì quá khứ đơn và thì quá khứ hoàn thành; mệnh đề quan hệ xác định

Unit 11: Electronic Devices

3D printer, aluminium, camcorder, cardboard, copper, e-reader, leaflet, plastic, portable, portable music player, robotic vacuum cleaner, rubber, self-portrait, smartwatch, steel, stylish,...

Câu bị động tương lai; Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định 

Unit 12: Career Choices

agriculture engineering, assembly worker, bartender, career, cashier, decisive, demanding, fabric, garment worker, hand-eye coordination, hands-on, inquiring, knowledgeable, mechanic, orientation, repetitive, rewarding, sew, software engineer, surgeon, vocational, well-paid…

Cấu trúc Despite / In spite of, Động từ + to V-inf / V-ing




II. Tổng hợp các dạng bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9

Chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 9 được thiết kế để nâng cao toàn diện các kỹ năng ngôn ngữ cho học sinh, giúp các em sử dụng tiếng Anh một cách tự tin trong cả học tập và cuộc sống hàng ngày. Dưới đây là tổng hợp các dạng bài tập tiếng Anh cơ bản tới nâng cao, nhằm giúp học sinh dễ dàng tiếp cận và luyện tập tiếng Anh một cách toàn diện và hiệu quả hơn.

1. Các dạng bài tập nghe 

Phần bài tập luyện nghe tiếng Anh lớp 9 thường xuất hiện đầu tiên trong mỗi bài học. Đối với dạng bài này, bạn sẽ nghe một đoạn âm thanh đã chuẩn bị sẵn và thực hiện các nhiệm vụ như sau:

  • Nghe và điền từ vào chỗ trống (Listen and fill in the blank)
  • Nghe và xác định đúng hoặc sai (Listen and tick True or False)
  • Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng (Listen and choose the correct answer)
  • Nghe và xác định ý kiến của người nói nào (Listen and choose the opinion that a person expresses)
  • Nghe và chọn những gì bạn nghe được (Listen and tick the things you hear.)
  • Nghe và hoàn thiện những thông tin bị thiếu (Listen and complete the missing information.)

2. Các dạng bài tập nói 

Phần nói được bố trí xuyên suốt trong các bài học của từng Unit. Tại đây, bạn sẽ có cơ hội rèn luyện khả năng giao tiếp thông qua việc nghe và lặp lại, đóng vai để diễn đạt hội thoại, hoặc tham gia các buổi thảo luận nhóm.

Để làm tốt phần kỹ năng Speaking tiếng Anh lớp 9, bạn nên tập trung vào việc phát âm chuẩn xác, nhấn đúng trọng âm và thực hành thường xuyên theo nội dung của từng bài học.

Dưới đây là một số hoạt động nhóm thú vị trong phần Speaking của chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 8 sách giáo khoa mới. Hãy tích cực tham gia thảo luận cùng bạn bè để nâng cao kỹ năng giao tiếp của mình nhé!

  • Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời câu hỏi (Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions)
  • Làm việc theo nhóm và thuyết trình (Work in group and give a presentation)
  • Tạo hội thoại (Make conversations)
  • Trình bày cá nhân trước lớp (Share with the class)

3. Các dạng bài tập đọc 

Dạng bài đọc thường cung cấp cho bạn một đoạn văn hoặc hội thoại ngắn, kèm theo các câu hỏi liên quan. Nhiệm vụ của bạn là tìm kiếm thông tin từ nội dung đoạn văn để trả lời câu hỏi hoặc xác định xem các nhận định cho sẵn là đúng hay sai.

Mặc dù các chi tiết quan trọng có thể xuất hiện rõ ràng trong đoạn văn, nhưng đôi khi bạn cần đọc kỹ lưỡng và kết nối các ý tưởng để tìm ra câu trả lời chính xác. Việc tập trung vào các từ khóa và hiểu mạch ý sẽ giúp bạn hoàn thành bài tập này một cách hiệu quả.

  • Đọc và nối đáp án (Read and match)
  • Đọc và chọn câu trả lời đúng (Read and choose the correct answers)
  • Đọc và đánh dấu vào ô Đúng hoặc Sai (Read and tick T(True) or F(False) for each sentence)
  • Đọc và đánh dấu vào ô phù hợp (Read and tick the appropriate boxes)
  • Đọc và điền bảng thông tin (Read and fill the missing information)

4. Các dạng bài tập viết 

Thông thường, các bài viết hoặc đoạn văn yêu cầu không cần quá dài (khoảng 10 câu hoặc 80 – 120 từ). Tuy nhiên, bạn vẫn cần đảm bảo rằng bài viết có đầy đủ bố cục gồm phần mở đầu, phần thân và kết luận, đồng thời đáp ứng đủ các nội dung mà đề bài đưa ra.

Dưới đây là tổng hợp các dạng bài luyện tập kỹ năng viết trong sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh lớp 9. Hãy tham khảo và rèn luyện thêm nhé!

  • Viết email (Write an email)
  • Viết đoạn văn (Write a paragraph)
  • Viết câu đầy đủ từ các từ gợi ý (Write complete sentences from the clues)
  • Viết đoạn tóm tắt (Write a summary)

III. Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án

Dưới đây là tổng hợp 200+ câu bài tập từ vựng và bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 9 từ cơ bản đến nâng cao đầy đủ các dạng:

1. Một số bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 cơ bản

Bài tập 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu

1, She never ______ (pay) attention in class. She always ______ (daydream).

2, We ______ (not see) each other since we ______ (graduate) from university.

3, He ______ (not work) on weekends.

4, They always ______ (eat) lunch at noon.

5, We ______ (visit) our grandparents every Christmas.

6, My dad ______ (prepare) coffee for breakfast every morning.

7, The library ______ (open) at 9:00 AM.

8, Last night, I ______ (have) dinner with my family.

9, When we ______ (reach) the theater, the movie ______ (start).

10, I ______ (not watch) TV yesterday.

11, ______ he ______ (buy) a new car last week?

12, After he ______ (do) his chores, he ______ (relax) in the garden.

13, While she ______ (read) a book, the phone ______ (ring).

14, Listen! The birds ______ (sing) in the trees.

Đáp án: 

1, pays, daydreams

2, haven't seen, graduated

3, doesn't work

4, eat

5, visit

6, prepares

7, opens

8, had

9, reached, had started

10, didn't watch

11, Did he buy

12, did, relaxed

13, was reading, rang

14, are singing

Bài tập 2: Chuyển các câu dưới đây thành thể bị động 

1, They will build a new bridge next year.

2, The chef is cooking a delicious meal in the kitchen.

3, He reads this book every evening.

4, The workers had repaired the road before the storm.

5, You must return the library books on time.

6, The government has introduced a new law.

7, She told me she had lost her keys.

8, People believe that aliens have visited Earth.

9, She gets her mom to bake a cake. --> She...

10, He had had a tailor sew his suit. --> He…

Đáp án:

1, A new bridge will be built next year.

2, A delicious meal is being cooked by the chef in the kitchen.

3, This book is read every evening by him.

4, The road had been repaired by the workers before the storm.

5, The library books must be returned on time.

6, A new law has been introduced by the government.

7, I was told by her that she had lost her keys.

8, It is believed that aliens have visited Earth.

9, She gets her mom to bake a cake.

10, He had his suit sewn by a tailor.


Bài tập 3: Viết lại các câu dưới đây dưới dạng câu tường thuật 

1, She says: "I have finished all my homework."
→ She says...

2, He said: "I am feeling much better today."
→ He said...

3, They said: "We will attend the meeting tomorrow."
→They said...

4, "Did you see my keys anywhere?" John asked his brother.
→ John asked his brother...

5, "Why are you late for class today?" the teacher asked me.
→ The teacher asked me…

Đáp án:

1, She says she has finished all her homework.

2, He said he was feeling much better that day.

3, They said they would attend the meeting the next day.

4, John asked his brother if he had seen his keys anywhere.

5, The teacher asked me why I was late for class that day.

Bài tập 4: Lựa chọn dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc đơn

1, She (works/worked/working/work) in a hospital.

2, We (can/could/will/would) go to the zoo tomorrow.

3, They (are/was/were/will) playing basketball when it started to rain.

4, He (don’t/doesn’t/didn’t/isn’t) have enough money to buy that book.

5, The teacher (explains/explained/explaining/explains) the lesson yesterday.

6, I (have/has/had/am) been learning English for three years.

7, They (are/were/will/was) studying when I saw them.

8, She is very (excited/exciting/excitement/excite) about the trip.

9, They (decided/decide/deciding/decides) to go camping last weekend.

10, (Is/Was/Will/Did) you see the movie last night?

Đáp án:

1, works

2, will

3, were

4, doesn't

5, explained

6, have

7, were

8, excited

9, decided

10, did

Bài tập 5: Điền phần câu hỏi đuôi thích hợp vào các câu dưới đây

1, You are going to the party tonight, ______?

2, They didn’t study for the test, ______?

3, She has visited that museum before, ______?

4, We should leave early tomorrow, ______?

5, He can't swim very well, ______?

6, They won’t be late for the meeting, ______?

7, Your parents are coming to the event, ______?

8, She doesn’t like chocolate, ______?

9, He hasn’t finished his homework yet, ______?

10, I am not interrupting you, ______?

Đáp án:

1, aren’t you?

2, did they?

3, hasn’t she?

4, shouldn’t we?

5, can he?

6,will they? 

7, aren’t they?

8, does she?

9, has he?

10, am I?

Bài tập 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ để hoàn thành các câu sau

1, She sings so ___________ (beautiful).

2, This test was really ___________ (easy).

3, I could see he was ___________ (nervous) when speaking in front of the class.

4, It's ___________ (cold) outside. Put on your coat!

5, They finished the race ___________ (quick).

6, My sister dances ___________ (graceful).

7, The weather today is ___________ (bad).

8, The train arrived ___________ (late).

9, His English has improved ___________ (remarkable).

10, I solved the problem ___________ (easy).

11, He reads the book ___________ (careful).

12, The food in this restaurant is always ___________ (delicious).

13, That was a ___________ (funny) joke.

14, She painted the picture ___________ (beautiful).

15, They played the game ___________ (skillful).

16, My father is a ___________ (patient) man.

17, This room looks ___________ (clean).

18, She answered the question ___________ (honest).

19, The team played ___________ (brilliant) in the final match.

20, He shouted ___________ (angry) at the dog.

Đáp án: 

1, beautifully

2, easy

3, nervous

4, cold

5, quickly

6, gracefully

7, bad

8, late

9, remarkably

10, easily

11, carefully

12, delicious

13, funny

14, beautifully

15, skillfully

16, patient

17, clean

18, honestly

19, brilliantly

20, angrily

Bài tập 7: Viết câu hoàn chỉnh, sử dụng các từ/cụm từ cho sẵn ở dạng đúng của chúng

1, The company/ offer/ me/ promotion/ I/ need/ consider/ carefully.

2, She/ skilled/ write/ reports/ she/ always/ finish/ on time.

3, He/ enjoy/ work/ with/ children/ he/ teacher.

4, They/ plan/ travel/ abroad/ next year/ they/ save/ money.

5, The chef/ create/ delicious dishes/ he/ passionate/ cooking.

6, She/ decide/ change/ career/ because/ she/ unhappy/ current job.

7, He/ practice/ guitar/ daily/ he/ become/ skilled musician.

8, The students/ work/ hard/ their project/ they/ get/ good grades.

9, After/ finishing/ the course/ she/ become/ certified/ yoga instructor.

10, We/ expect/ the new product/ be/ successful/ market/ it/ have/ innovative features.

Đáp án: 

1, The company offered me a promotion, which I need to consider carefully.

2, She is skilled at writing reports, so she always finishes them on time.

3, He enjoys working with children because he is a teacher.

4, They plan to travel abroad next year, so they are saving money.

5, The chef creates delicious dishes because he is passionate about cooking.

6, She decided to change her career because she was unhappy with her current job.

7, He practices guitar daily, so he is becoming a skilled musician.

8, The students worked hard on their project, so they got good grades.

9, After finishing the course, she became a certified yoga instructor.

10, We expect the new product to be successful in the market because it has innovative features.

Bài tập 8: Nối vế câu ở cột A với vế còn lại ở cột B để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh



1. Despite their busy schedules,

a. to exchange gifts on New Year’s Eve as a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

2. It is a common practice

b. the children are expected to perform traditional dances during festivals.

3. In many cultures,

c. they made time to attend the family reunion over the weekend.

4. The ceremony included

d. elaborate rituals such as chanting and offerings to ancestors.

5. Although she was hesitant,

e. she agreed to participate in the community event.

Đáp án:

1-c. Despite their busy schedules, they made time to attend the family reunion over the weekend.
2-a. It is a common practice to exchange gifts on New Year’s Eve as a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
3-b. In many cultures, the children are expected to perform traditional dances during festivals.
4-d. The ceremony included elaborate rituals such as chanting and offerings to ancestors.
5-e. Although she was hesitant, she agreed to participate in the community event.

Bài tập 9: Chọn dạng đúng của động từ to be

1, I wish I (have/ has/ had) a big house in the city.

2, I wish I (see/ saw/ had seen) her at the party last night.

3, I wish I (am/ were/ was) taller than my brother.

4, I wish she (could/ can/ will) attend my wedding next week.

5, I wish we (win/ had won/ won) the lottery yesterday.

6, I wish they (were/ are/ had been) more friendly towards us.

7, I wish my parents (allow/ would allow/ will allow) me to go on the trip next month.

8, I wish I (study/ studied/ had studied) harder for the exam last week.

9, I wish he (will/ would/ could) visit me this weekend.

10, I wish I (knew/ know/ had known) the answer to that question.

Đáp án:

1, had

2, saw

3, were

4, could

5, had won

6, were

7, would allow

8, had studied

9, would

10, knew

Bài tập 10: Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi bên dưới

Lan was born in Da Nang, but now she lives in Ho Chi Minh City with her parents. She moved to Ho Chi Minh City three years ago. Currently, she is studying at Nguyen Du School. Last week, it was her fourteenth birthday. She invited some of her classmates to her house for a small birthday party. They played games, ate pizza, and drank soda. In the evening, Lan's mother baked a big birthday cake, and everyone sang her a birthday song. After the party, Lan felt very happy because it was one of the best birthdays she ever had.


  1. Where was Lan born?
  2. When did she move to Ho Chi Minh City?
  3. Did they play games, eat pizza, and drink soda?

Đáp án:

  1. Lan was born in Da Nang.
  2. She moved to Ho Chi Minh City three years ago.
  3. Yes, they played games, ate pizza, and drank soda.

Bài tập 11: Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ phù hợp nhất để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau

Phu Quoc is a large tropical island located in the Gulf of Thailand. It is known for its (1) ___________ beaches, clear waters, and coral reefs. Phu Quoc is an ideal (2) ___________ for tourists looking to relax and enjoy nature. The island is famous for producing the (3) ___________ fish sauce in Vietnam. This sauce is made from anchovies and salt, and it is considered one of the best in the country.

Many visitors come to Phu Quoc not only for its beaches but also for its national park, which (4) ___________ a large portion of the island. The park is home to a (5) ___________ variety of wildlife, including rare birds and animals.

Phu Quoc is also (6) ___________ for its night markets, where you can find a variety of seafood, tropical fruits, and souvenirs. Whether you're interested in snorkeling, exploring the jungle, or just enjoying the (7) ___________ sunset, Phu Quoc offers something for everyone.


1, A. white B. sandy C. muddy D. rocky

2, A. place B. trip C. destination D. visit

3, A. delicious B. sweet C. famous D. salty

4, A. takes B. covers C. includes D. consists

5, A. rich B. poor C. rare D. diverse

6, A. noted B. seen C. found D. visited

7, A. amazing B. quick C. slow D. average

Đáp án:

1, B. sandy

2, C. destination

3, C. famous

4, B. covers

5, D. diverse

6, A. noted

7, A. amazing

Bài tập 12: Đọc đoạn văn và chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B, C hoặc D cho mỗi câu hỏi

Global warming is a serious issue that the world is facing today. The Earth's climate is changing due to the increase in greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, causing the planet to become warmer. One of the main sources of greenhouse gases is human activity, including the burning of fossil fuels for energy, deforestation, and industrial processes.

The consequences of global warming are already being felt. Polar ice caps are melting, causing sea levels to rise. Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts, are becoming more frequent and severe. If global warming continues at its current rate, it could lead to devastating impacts on ecosystems, wildlife, and human societies.

To mitigate the effects of global warming, it is essential for countries to reduce their carbon emissions by transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. Additionally, individuals can contribute by conserving energy, reducing waste, and supporting policies that aim to combat climate change.

1, What is the main cause of global warming according to the passage?
A, Natural weather patterns.
B, Human activities that release greenhouse gases.
C, The increase of polar ice caps.
D, Rising sea levels.

2, Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a consequence of global warming?
A, Rising sea levels.
B, Extreme weather events.
C, Melting polar ice caps.
D, Decreased use of fossil fuels.

3, What can countries do to help reduce the effects of global warming?
A, Continue using fossil fuels for energy.
B, Increase industrial processes.
C, Transition to renewable energy sources.
D, Encourage more deforestation.

4, What is one action that individuals can take to combat climate change?
A, Use more electricity in their homes.
B, Support policies that address climate change.
C, Increase their carbon emissions.
D, Avoid renewable energy sources.

5, What could happen if global warming continues at its current rate?
A, It will have little effect on wildlife and ecosystems.
B, Ecosystems and human societies will suffer devastating impacts.
C, The Earth’s temperature will decrease.
D, Greenhouse gases will no longer affect the environment.

Đáp án:

1, B

2, D

3, C

4, B

5, B

2. Một số bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 nâng cao

Bài tập 1: Điền giới từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

1, She apologized _____ the mistake she made.

2, He is very good _____ playing the piano.

3, My brother is interested _____ learning languages.

4, We are looking forward _____ our holiday next week.

5, She is afraid _____ heights and won't go on the rollercoaster.

6, They congratulated him _____ his promotion.

7, I am responsible _____ organizing the event.

8, The teacher is strict _____ her students.

9, He insisted _____ paying for dinner.

10, They accused him _____ stealing the money.

11, She’s thinking about applying _____ a new job.

12, He is married _____ my cousin.

13, You should take advantage _____ this opportunity.

14, They are proud _____ their achievements.

15, We were amazed _____ the beautiful scenery.

16, I am worried _____ the exam results.

17, She’s jealous _____ her sister’s success.

18, The bag is full _____ books.

19, They decided _____ the date for the wedding.

20, He was absent _____ school yesterday.


Đáp án:

1, for

2, at

3, in

4, to

5, of

6, on

7, for

8, with

9, on

10, of

11, about

12, to

13, of

14, of

15, by

16, about

17, of

18, of

19, on

20, from

Bài tập 2: Sử dụng dạng đúng của cụm động từ cho trước:

break out

look forward to

go over

show up

come across

put off

give up

take after

look after

turn up

1, I’m really ________ my trip to the mountains next week.

2, War ________ in the country in 1945.

3, Unfortunately, he had to ________ his trip due to illness.

4, You ________ your grandfather so much! You have the same smile.

5, I tried to solve the puzzle but eventually, I ________.

6, Let's ________ the key points of the lesson before the exam.

7, I hope my lost cat will ________ soon.

8, While cleaning out the attic, I ________ some old photographs.

9, Could you please ________ my younger brother while I’m out?

10, Sorry I’m late, there was an unexpected traffic jam and I couldn’t ________ on time.

Đáp án:

1, looking forward to

2, broke out

3, put off

4, take after

5, gave up

6, go over

7, turn up

8, came across

9, look after

10, show up


Bài tập 3: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau - Bài tập từ loại tiếng Anh lớp 9

1, The artist's new painting is incredibly __________. (color)

2, Her __________ was evident in the way she spoke. (confident)

3, The company is known for its __________ approach to customer service. (innovate)

4, The __________ of the book is its deep understanding of human nature. (value)

5, They are seeking __________ to help with the project. (volunteer)

6, The documentary provided a(n) __________ of the city’s history. (view)

7, Her __________ to the project was commendable. (contribute)

8, The __________ of the new policy is not clear yet. (impact)

9, The teacher’s __________ is appreciated by all the students. (dedicate)

10, The manager’s __________ was crucial in closing the deal. (negotiate)

11, The __________ of the course is the practical application of knowledge. (emphasize)

12, He showed a lot of __________ during the tough times. (persevere)

13, The __________ of the company's products is impressive. (diverse)

14, Her __________ for the role was evident from the start. (suit)

15, The __________ of the book was revealed in the final chapters. (mystery)

16, The architect's design was __________ and modern. (innovate)

17, The __________ of the community is a key aspect of the project. (engage)

18, The __________ of the ceremony was highlighted by the traditional music. (significant)

19, The __________ of the new law was discussed at length. (affect)

20, The __________ of the new machine was impressive. (perform)

Đáp án:

1. colorful

2. confidence

3. innovative

4. value

5. volunteers

6. overview

7. contribution

8. impact

9. dedication

10. negotiation

11. emphasis

12. perseverance

13. diversity

14. suitability

15. mystery

16. innovative

17. engagement

18. significance

19. effect

20. performance

Bài tập 4: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành đoạn văn dưới đây

All over the world, all different cultures created interesting (1. INVENT) __________ food products, and one of the most popular is undoubtedly pizza.

To begin with, pizza making may be considered (2. ART) ___________ as it deals with using various ingredients. Since pizza dough is made from scratch, certain (3. COMBINE) ___________ of flour, water, and yeast are used. Literally, this means ingredients such as cheese, vegetables, and various types of meat are (4. DELICIOUS) ___________ to create a flavorful dish. Very often, the dough is (5. PREPARE) ___________ with a variety of toppings, along with sauces and cheeses. After being prepared, this pizza mixture is then baked in an oven until crispy and golden. The result is pizza.

The ingredients used in pizzas come from a variety of sources, although cheese and tomatoes are by far the favorites. In some cultures, pizza (6. CREATE) ___________ from unusual toppings is considered a (7. SPECIAL) ___________. When pizzas are baked, the baking process sometimes adds to the texture. While (8. TRADITION) ___________ baking is probably the most common method, grilling pizzas can add a unique flavor.

Next time you enjoy a pizza, it is probably (9. IMPORT) ___________ not to think too much about how it became the (10. TASTE) ___________ dish you are eating. After all, you don’t want to spoil a good meal.

Đáp án:

1, inventions

2, artistic

3, combinations

4, delicacies

5, prepared

6, creations

7, speciality

8, traditional

9, important

10, tastiest

Bài tập 5: Bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án

1, The new school is located ................. the city center.
A. near
B. under
C. above
D. across

2, She always wears ................. clothes to the office.
A. casual
B. formal
C. dirty
D. wet

3, My brother was ................. by the magic show.
A. excite
B. excited
C. exciting
D. excitement

4, The company has a ................. of over 1,000 employees.
A. workforce
B. store
C. office
D. branch

5, Physics and Chemistry are ................. subjects in the science curriculum.
A. optional
B. compulsory
C. interesting
D. extra

6, It's very thoughtful ................. you to help with the project!
A. to
B. of
C. in
D. for

7, I wish I ................. more time to finish the report.
A. had
B. have
C. will have
D. has

8, The traditional Japanese dress is called a ..................
A. kimono
B. sari
C. kilt
D. tunic

9, The term "Internet" comes ................. the global network of computers.
A. from
B. at
C. on
D. in

10, She ................. in Paris since last summer.
A. has lived
B. lived
C. is living
D. lives

11, They often visit that ................. to pay their respects.
A. library
B. museum
C. monument
D. temple

12, There is a lovely ................. of flowers in the garden.
A. bunch
B. collection
C. pile
D. stack

13, The meeting will take place ................. Tuesday and Friday.
A. between
B. in
C. at
D. on

14, She was born ................. 20th March.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. of

15, We have been living here ................. 3 years.
A. for
B. since
C. in
D. at

16, We have many well ................. staff members.
A. trained
B. training
C. train
D. trainer

17, She asked me where I ................. from.
A. came
B. come
C. coming
D. to come

18, What aspect of ................. English do you find challenging?
A. learn
B. learning
C. learnt
D. learns

19, The news you heard might be ..............
A. inform
B. informative
C. information
D. informed

20, He thinks working overtime is .................
A. time-consuming
B. time-consume
C. consume-time
D. consumption-time

21, Can you tell me who ................. the new software?
A. developed
B. developer
C. developing
D. develops

22, Your colleague writes reports, ................. she?
A. doesn’t
B. do
C. doesn’t
D. did

23, Excuse me, can I ................. here?
A. park
B. parking
C. parked
D. to park

24, If he ................. earlier, he would have caught the train.
A. had left
B. left
C. will leave
D. leaves

25, Could you turn ................. the volume? It’s too loud.
A. down
B. up
C. on
D. off

26, We can ................. easily in the daylight.
A. read
B. reads
C. reading
D. to read

27, What can we do to spend less ................. energy?
A. on
B. of
C. about
D. in

28, She is very tired; ................., she needs to finish her report.
A. however
B. and
C. so
D. moreover

29, Is he a teacher ................. a student? A teacher.
A. and
B. or
C. with
D. so

30, I suggest ................. a fundraiser for the local animal shelter.
A. organize
B. to organize
C. organizing
D. organized

Đáp án:

1, D. into

2, D. mosque

3, D. impressed

4, A. population

5, B. compulsory

6, B. of

7, B. worked

8, B. traditional

9, C. from

10, B. has lived

11, D. shrine

12, A. forest

13, B. between

14, D. on

15, C. for

16, C. qualified

17, B. came

18, D. learning

19, B. information

20, C. consuming

21, A. invented

22, D. doesn't

23, A. smoke

24, C. were

25, A. on

26, D. read

27, B. on

28, D. however

29, B. or

30, C. saving

Bài tập 6: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi bắt đầu bằng từ/cụm từ cho sẵn – Bài tập viết lại câu tiếng Anh lớp 9

1, Even though you admire his courage, I think he’s foolish.
→ Much ___________________________________________

2, Having made all the arrangements, they decided to go away.
→ Since ___________________________________________

3, Most students can work very hard when they feel like it.
→ Most students are capable ___________________________

4, “Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?” Mike said.
→ Mike invited _____________________________________

5, “Shall I open the window for you, Edna?” he said.
→ He offered ______________________________________

6, If I had realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.
→ Had ____________________________________________

7, I didn't hear him come into the room because I was listening to music.
→ If I hadn't _______________________________________

8, Although she was tired, she stayed up late to finish her work.
→ Despite ___________________________________________

9, If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
→ Unless ___________________________________________

10, We were surprised by the news that they had won the match.
→ The news _________________________________________

11, She spoke so quickly that I couldn’t understand her.
→ She spoke too _____________________________________

12, Despite being a good student, he failed the exam.
→ Although _________________________________________

13, "You should not drive so fast," the police officer said to him.
→ The police officer advised ___________________________

14, The last time we went to the cinema was two months ago.
→ We haven't _______________________________________

15, He is too young to drive a car.
→ He is not __________________________________________

16, John didn't go to the party because he was sick.
→ Had _______________________________________________

17, They didn't enjoy the movie because it was boring.
→ If the movie _______________________________________

18, I haven't met her since we graduated from school.
→ The last time ______________________________________

19, I’m sorry I forgot to send you the email.
→ I apologize _______________________________________

20, You are advised to check the oil level regularly.

→ You should _______________________________________

Đáp án:

1, Much as you admire his courage, I think he’s foolish.

2, Since they had made all the arrangements, they decided to go away.

3, Most students are capable of working very hard when they feel like it.

4, Mike invited me to have dinner with them that night.

5, He offered to open the window for Edna.

6, Had I realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.

7, If I hadn't been listening to music, I would have heard him come into the room.

8, Despite her tiredness, she stayed up late to finish her work.

9, Unless it rains tomorrow, we will go to the beach.

10, The news that they had won the match surprised us.

11, She spoke too quickly for me to understand her.

12, Although she was a good student, he failed the exam.

13, The police officer advised him not to drive so fast.

14, We haven’t been to the cinema for two months.

15, He is not old enough to drive a car.

16, Had he not been sick, he would have gone to the party.

17, If the movie had not been boring, they would have enjoyed it.

18, The last time I met her was when we graduated from school.

19, I apologize for forgetting to send you the email.

20, You should check the oil level regularly.


Bài tập 7: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi sử dụng từ trong ngoặc

1, I was just about to leave the office when the phone started ringing. (point)

2, He didn’t hurry, so he missed the bus. (if)

3, It took her quite a long time to recover from her illness. (over)

4, They say Linda won a special prize. (said)

5, I applied for the job but was turned down. (application)

6, I’m sure she didn’t do it on purpose. (can’t)

7, The participants agreed with the proposal. (agreement)

8, She never intended to buy that luxurious car. (intention)

9, They continue to collect coal from the earth in considerable quantities. (collected)

10, He finished his report and then went to bed. (before)

Đáp án:

1, I was on the point of leaving the office when the phone started ringing.

2, If he had hurried, he wouldn’t have missed the bus.

3, It took her quite a long time to get over her illness.

4, It is said that Linda won a special prize.

5, My application for the job was turned down.

6, She can’t have done it on purpose.

7, There was agreement among the participants with the proposal.

8, She had no intention of buying that luxurious car.

9, Coal continues to be collected from the earth in considerable quantities.

10, He went to bed after he had finished his report.

Bài tập 8: Kết hợp các câu sau sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ

1, This is the book. I borrowed it from the library.

2, She has a friend. His father is a famous scientist.

3, I visited the museum. It has a collection of ancient artifacts.

4, The students were excited. They went on a field trip.

5, The movie is something. It received several awards.

6, We stayed at a hotel. It was located near the beach.

7, The car was parked outside. It is mine.

8, John met the author. His book became a bestseller.

9, The concert was amazing. We enjoyed every moment.

10, The painting was displayed in the gallery. It was sold.

Đáp án:

1, This is the book which I borrowed from the library.

2, She has a friend whose father is a famous scientist.

3, I visited the museum which has a collection of ancient artifacts.

4, The students, who were excited, went on a field trip.

5, The movie is something which received several awards.

6, We stayed at a hotel which was located near the beach.

7, The car, which was parked outside, is mine.

8, John met the author whose book became a bestseller.

9, The concert was amazing, which we enjoyed every moment of.

10, The painting, which was displayed in the gallery, was sold.

Bài tập 9: Sắp xếp các câu sau theo đúng trật tự – Bài tập sắp xếp câu tiếng Anh lớp 9

1, She / experience / in / a / job / a / that / is / of / different / kind / not / completely / what / she / expected.

2, The / that / to / the / with / problem / solution / needs / an / it / creative / approach.

3, I / manage / the / though / time / my / busy / schedule / to / tasks / effectively / to / complete.

4, Given / all / time / the / important / having / to / tasks / consider / this / project / well.

5, The / news / had / significantly / team / when / the / impact / announced / on / performance / it / was.

6, The / the / report / at / criticized / accuracy / the / meeting / of / length / for / was.

7, His / always / detailed / research / findings / meticulously / analyze / data / and / to / he /.

8, It / needs / process / a / thorough / but / implementation / the / ensure / successful / that / result / project.

9, The / he / not / have / skills / to / lacked / job / necessary / succeed / in / the / role /.

10, Despite / her / dedication / project / challenges / the / she / managed / to / complete / on / time.

11, A / the / proposal / detailed / before / finalizing / must / review / thoroughly / be.

12, Her / academic / achieved / impressive / an / record / through / dedication / hard / work.

13, The / team / constantly / improving / skills / their / by / in / ways / learning / new.

14, We / had / the / required / to / information / analyze / thoroughly / before / making / decision.

15, Despite / weather / the / the / bad / we / arrived / on / time / at / destination / our.

Đáp án:

1, She is experiencing a job that is not completely different from what she expected.

2, The solution to the problem needs a creative approach.

3, Though my schedule is busy, I manage to complete tasks effectively.

4, Given all the time to consider this important project, we can do it well.

5, The announcement of the news had a significant impact on the team’s performance.

6, The report was criticized at the meeting for the length and accuracy.

7, He always meticulously analyzes data and research findings.

8, The project needs a thorough implementation process to ensure a successful result.

9, He lacked the necessary skills to succeed in the job role.

10, Despite the challenges, she managed to complete the project on time.

11, The proposal must be reviewed thoroughly before finalizing.

12, Her impressive academic record was achieved through hard work and dedication.

13, The team is constantly improving their skills by learning new ways.

14, We had to analyze the required information thoroughly before making a decision.

15, Despite the bad weather, we arrived at our destination on time.

Bài tập 10: Điền từ nối hoặc liên từ phù hợp – Bài tập từ nối tiếng Anh lớp 9

Tom was a new student at the school, and he was very excited about starting his first day. He had heard a lot about the school (1) __________ it was known for its excellent academic programs and friendly environment. Tom had always been a diligent student, (2) __________ he was confident that he would do well here.

On his first day, Tom met several students (3) __________ were eager to show him around. They took him to the library, which was very spacious and well-equipped, (4) __________ he was impressed. They also visited the cafeteria, where Tom was introduced to a variety of new foods.

Although Tom felt a bit nervous at first, he quickly made friends (5) __________ shared his interests. The students were very welcoming, and Tom felt like he had known them for a long time. He was particularly happy because he found out that there was a club for every hobby he enjoyed, (6) __________ he joined the photography club and the debate team.

The first week went by quickly, and Tom was very pleased with his decision to join the school. He looked forward to many more exciting experiences (7) __________ he continued his studies and made new friends.

Đáp án:

1, because

2, so

3, who

4, and

5, who

6, so

7, as

Bài tập 11: Điền từ thích hợp để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau

As people grow older, their views on life often become more (1) ______. They might find themselves reflecting on their past decisions and the paths they have taken. It is not uncommon for adults to feel (2) ______ about their career choices or personal relationships. This period of reflection can be a time of (3) ______, where they reassess their priorities and goals.

Many individuals look back on their experiences with a sense of (4) ______, recognizing the lessons learned and the changes they have undergone. They might also feel a renewed sense of (5) ______ to pursue new interests or hobbies that they had set aside. It is important during this time to find a balance between (6) ______ and moving forward with one's life.

Some people may seek (7) ______ from friends or professionals to help them navigate these feelings. Ultimately, this phase of life can be an opportunity for (8) ______ and growth as people come to understand themselves better.

Đáp án:

1, thoughtful

2, unsure

3, change

4, regret

5, energy

6, acceptance

7, advice

8, growth

Bài tập 12: Đọc kỹ đoạn văn dưới đây và xác định xem mỗi nhận định bên dưới là TRUE (T) hay FALSE (F)

Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest in the world by both area and population. The official name of Brazil is the Federative Republic of Brazil. It is a member of the United Nations and a founding member of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). The country covers an area of 8,515,767 square kilometers. Brazil has a diverse climate, ranging from the Amazon Rainforest’s tropical climate to temperate zones in the south. The official currency is the Brazilian real, which is divided into 100 centavos.

The capital of Brazil is Brasília, which was purpose-built to be the capital in 1960. Before that, Rio de Janeiro was the capital. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are two of the largest cities in Brazil, and both are important cultural and economic hubs. The population in 2020 was estimated to be around 212 million people, making Brazil the most populous country in South America. The predominant religion is Christianity, with the majority of the population being Roman Catholic, followed by Protestantism.

Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, and it is spoken by the vast majority of the population. There are also several indigenous languages spoken in different regions. English is commonly taught in schools and used in business contexts.

1, Brazil is the largest country in South America. _____

2, All regions of Brazil have the same climate. _____

3, Christianity is the predominant religion in Brazil. _____

4, Brazil has a smaller population than the United States. _____

5, Brasília was established as the capital of Brazil in the 20th century. _____

6, The official currency of Brazil is the centavo. _____

7, Portuguese is the primary language spoken in Brazil. _____

8, Brazil has no indigenous languages. _____

Đáp án:

1, True (T)

2, False (F)

3, True (T)

4, True (T)

5, True (T)

6, False (F)

7, True (T)

8, False (F)


Kết luận

Như vậy, bài viết trên đã tổng hợp hơn 200 câu bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 nhằm phục vụ cho việc ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức cho các em học sinh. Để đạt hiệu quả cao nhất, học sinh nên dành thời gian luyện tập đều đặn mỗi ngày để duy trì mạch kiến thức được liền mạch hơn nhé. Ngoài ra, để có thể nắm được khả năng tiếng Anh của mình, các em cũng có thể thực hiện kiểm tra trình độ tiếng Anh MIỄN PHÍ. Tiếng Anh giao tiếp Langmaster chúc các em thành công!

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1 kèm 1

  • Học và trao đổi trực tiếp 1 thầy 1 trò.
  • Giao tiếp liên tục, sửa lỗi kịp thời, bù đắp lỗ hổng ngay lập tức.
  • Lộ trình học được thiết kế riêng cho từng học viên.
  • Dựa trên mục tiêu, đặc thù từng ngành việc của học viên.
  • Học mọi lúc mọi nơi, thời gian linh hoạt.

Chi tiết



  • Học các kỹ năng trong công việc: đàm phán, thuyết trình, viết email, gọi điện,...
  • Chủ đề học liên quan trực tiếp đến các tình huống công việc thực tế
  • Đội ngũ giáo viên tối thiểu 7.5 IELTS hoặc 900 TOEIC, có kinh nghiệm thực tế với tiếng Anh công sở.
  • Phương pháp học chủ đạo: Siêu phản xạ, PG (chuẩn hóa phát âm), PBL (Học qua dự án),...

Chi tiết



  • Giáo viên đạt tối thiểu 7.5+ IELTS/900+ TOEIC và có kinh nghiệm giảng dạy tiếng Anh công sở
  • Lộ trình học thiết kế riêng phù hợp với mục tiêu doanh nghiệp.
  • Nội dung học và các kỹ năng tiếng Anh có tính thực tế cao
  • Tổ chức lớp học thử cho công ty để trải nghiệm chất lượng đào tạo

Chi tiết

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