Tổng hợp bài tập câu bị động lớp 10 hay, có đáp án chi tiết

Bài tập câu bị động lớp 10 là nội dung ôn tập quan trọng, thường xuất hiện trong các bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh. Để bạn học có thể ôn tập lại và ghi nhớ kiến thức về câu bị động, Langmaster gửi tới bạn tuyển tập các dạng bài tập câu bị động lớp 10 giúp bạn chinh phục các bài kiểm tra một cách dễ dàng.

1. Tóm tắt nội dung câu bị động lớp 10

Câu bị động (Passive voice) là dạng câu trong đó chủ ngữ chịu tác động của hành động, thay vì thực hiện hành động đó như trong câu chủ động.

Công thức chung:

  • Chủ động: S + V + O
  • Bị động: S + to be + V3/V-ed (past participle) + (by + O)

Trong đó:

S: Chủ ngữ của câu bị động (thường là tân ngữ trong câu chủ động).

to be: Động từ "to be" được chia theo thì của câu.

V3/V-ed: Động từ ở dạng quá khứ phân từ (past participle).

by + O: (Tùy chọn) Tác nhân gây ra hành động.

1.1. Câu bị động lớp 10 với các thì cơ bản

Câu bị động với các thì cơ bản tiếp tục được mở rộng trong chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 10, chính vì vậy bạn học cần nắm rõ được các dạng bị động của 11 thì cơ bản trong bảng dưới đây. 

câu bị động theo thì trong tiếng anh

Ngoài ra, bạn cần lưu ý một số điểm khi chia động từ trong câu bị động lớp 10 như sau:

  • Khi tân ngữ (O) là đại từ phản thân của chủ ngữ (S) thì không thể sử dụng cấu trúc bị động. Một số đại từ phản thân như: Myself, himself, herself, ourselves,...
  • Nếu trong câu có động từ chính là nội động từ thì câu đó không dùng ở thể bị động.
  • Trong câu chủ động chứa các động từ crowd, fill, cover khi chuyển sang câu bị động sẽ sử dụng with thay vì by phía trước tân ngữ

>>> Xem thêm:

1.2. Câu bị động với động từ khuyết thiếu

Khi sử dụng động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verbs) như can, could, may, might, must, should, have to, sẽ theo cấu trúc sau:

S + modal verb + be + V3/V-ed + (by + O)

Ví dụ:

  • Chủ động: They can solve the problem.
  • Bị động: The problem can be solved (by them).

1.3. Câu bị động đặc biệt

Với câu bị động đặc biệt, đây là nội dung kiến thức khá khó và phức tạp, bạn học cần nắm được 9 dạng câu bị động đặc biệt sau đây.

câu bị động đặc biệt

>>> Xem thêm:

2. Bài tập câu bị động lớp 10 từ cơ bản đến nâng cao

Kiến thức câu bị động lớp 10 về cơ bản vẫn sử dụng các cấu trúc câu bị động đã được học trước đó, tuy nhiên một số kiến thức có thể mở rộng và dạng bài đa dạng hơn. Cùng ôn tập kiến thức qua các dạng bài tập câu bị động lớp 10 sau đây.

Bài tập 1: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất cho các câu sau

1. This book _____ by the teacher last week.
a. is given
b. was given
c. gives
d. gave

2. The letters _____ tomorrow.
a. will be sent
b. sent
c. was sent
d. were sent

3. The room _____ right now.
a. is cleaned
b. cleans
c. is being cleaned
d. was cleaned

4. A new school _____ in my neighborhood last year.
a. builds
b. built
c. was built
d. is building

5. The car _____ by the mechanic now.
a. repairs
b. repaired
c. is repaired
d. is being repaired

6. The problem _____ soon.
a. solved
b. will be solved
c. will solve
d. solves

7. The package _____ yesterday.
a. delivered
b. is delivering
c. was delivered
d. has delivered

8. The project _____ by the end of this week.
a. will have been completed
b. completes
c. has completed
d. will complete

9. The food _____ before it gets cold.
a. should be eaten
b. eats
c. is eating
d. should eat

10. His car _____ in the accident.
a. damages
b. is damaged
c. was damaged
d. damaged

11. The homework _____ by 10 o'clock.
a. must finish
b. must be finished
c. finishes
d. must finished

12. This house _____ in 1990.
a. was built
b. has built
c. is building
d. built

13. The test results _____ tomorrow.
a. will announce
b. will be announced
c. announces
d. were announced

14. The letter _____ yet.
a. hasn't been written
b. wasn't written
c. hasn't written
d. hasn't being written

15. The movie _____ by many people now.
a. watches
b. is watching
c. is being watched
d. has watched

16. They _____ the building by next month.
a. will finish
b. will have finished
c. will be finished
d. finish

17. The windows _____ yesterday.
a. cleaned
b. is cleaned
c. were cleaned
d. has cleaned

18. The lights _____ at night.
a. turned off
b. are turned off
c. turns off
d. are turning off

19. The letter _____ now.
a. is written
b. writes
c. is writing
d. was writing

20. The building _____ next year.
a. is constructed
b. will be constructed
c. constructs
d. was constructed

Bài tập 2: Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau

  1. The car (repair) ____________ at the moment.
  2. This report (write) ____________ by my team last month.
  3. The new store (open) ____________ next week.
  4. The project (complete) ____________ by tomorrow.
  5. The song (sing) ____________ at the concert yesterday.
  6. These books (give) ____________ to the students last week.
  7. The house (paint) ____________ right now.
  8. The cake (make) ____________ tomorrow.
  9. The windows (clean) ____________ every day.
  10. The homework (finish) ____________ by 5 PM.
  11. The email (send) ____________ tomorrow morning.
  12. The letter (deliver) ____________ yesterday.
  13. The problem (solve) ____________ soon.
  14. The food (serve) ____________ before it gets cold.
  15. The room (decorate) ____________ next week.
  16. The package (deliver) ____________ last night.
  17. The homework (correct) ____________ now.
  18. The book (read) ____________ by the students next week.
  19. The road (repair) ____________ yesterday.
  20. The movie (watch) ____________ by many people now.

Bài tập 3: Chọn dạng đúng của câu bị động lớp 10

1. She writes a letter.
a. A letter was written by her.
b. A letter is written by her.
c. A letter wrote by her.
d. A letter is writing by her.

2. They clean the room every day.
a. The room is cleaned every day.
b. The room was cleaned every day.
c. The room cleans every day.
d. The room is cleaning every day.

3. He has finished the homework.
a. The homework has been finished by him.
b. The homework is finished by him.
c. The homework finishes by him.
d. The homework was finished by him.

4. They will build a new hospital.
a. A new hospital is built.
b. A new hospital will be built.
c. A new hospital was built.
d. A new hospital is being built.

5. She is cooking dinner.
a. Dinner is cooked by her.
b. Dinner was cooked by her.
c. Dinner is being cooked by her.
d. Dinner cooks by her.

6. They have built a new bridge.
a. A new bridge is built.
b. A new bridge has been built.
c. A new bridge was built.
d. A new bridge is being built.

7. Someone is cleaning the windows.
a. The windows is being cleaned.
b. The windows were cleaned.
c. The windows are being cleaned.
d. The windows are cleaned.

8. The company will launch a new product next month.
a. A new product is launched by the company.
b. A new product will be launched by the company.
c. A new product was launched by the company.
d. A new product has been launched by the company.

9. They are organizing a party.
a. A party is organized.
b. A party is being organized.
c. A party was organized.
d. A party will be organized.

10. The police caught the thief yesterday.
a. The thief is caught by the police yesterday.
b. The thief was caught by the police yesterday.
c. The thief is being caught by the police.
d. The thief will be caught by the police.

11. He has completed the project.
a. The project has been completed.
b. The project was completed.
c. The project is being completed.
d. The project will be completed.

12. They are painting the house.
a. The house was painted.
b. The house is painted.
c. The house is being painted.
d. The house will be painted.

13. She will write a report.
a. A report is written.
b. A report was written.
c. A report is being written.
d. A report will be written.

14. The workers are repairing the road.
a. The road is being repaired.
b. The road is repaired.
c. The road was repaired.
d. The road will be repaired.

15. Someone stole my wallet.
a. My wallet is stolen.
b. My wallet was stolen.
c. My wallet has been stolen.
d. My wallet will be stolen.

16. They have sent the invitations.
a. The invitations are sent.
b. The invitations have been sent.
c. The invitations were sent.
d. The invitations will be sent.

17. They were discussing the problem.
a. The problem was discussed.
b. The problem is discussed.
c. The problem was being discussed.
d. The problem is being discussed.

18. The chef will prepare the meal.
a. The meal is prepared.
b. The meal was prepared.
c. The meal will be prepared.
d. The meal has been prepared.

19. She has found the solution.
a. The solution was found.
b. The solution has been found.
c. The solution is found.
d. The solution will be found.

20. The teacher gave us homework.
a. We were given homework.
b. Homework was given to us.
c. We were given homework by the teacher.
d. All of the above.

21. They are designing a new website.
a. A new website is designed.
b. A new website is being designed.
c. A new website will be designed.
d. A new website was designed.

22. They had repaired the car before we arrived.
a. The car had been repaired before we arrived.
b. The car was repaired before we arrived.
c. The car is repaired before we arrived.
d. The car has been repaired before we arrived.

23. The manager announced the results.
a. The results were announced by the manager.
b. The results are announced by the manager.
c. The results have been announced by the manager.
d. The results were being announced by the manager.

24. Someone is using the computer.
a. The computer is used.
b. The computer is being used.
c. The computer was used.
d. The computer will be used.

25. They canceled the meeting.
a. The meeting is canceled.
b. The meeting was canceled.
c. The meeting has been canceled.
d. The meeting will be canceled.

Bài tập 4: Chuyển các câu sau sang dạng bị động lớp 10

  1. He opens the door.  
  2. They are repairing the car.  
  3. She has written a letter.  
  4. We will finish the project tomorrow.  
  5. The chef is preparing the food.  
  6. They clean the windows every week.  
  7. She had finished the report before the deadline.  
  8. He delivered the package yesterday.  
  9. They are building a new bridge.  
  10. The students must complete the homework.

Bài tập 5: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi 

  1. They gave me a book.  
  2. She taught us English.  
  3. He bought a new car.  
  4. They offered her a job.  
  5. He will send you an email.  
  6. The company has sold all the products.  
  7. Someone stole my bike.  
  8. They are fixing the computer.  
  9. The manager will announce the results.  
  10. She has cleaned the house.

>> Xem thêm: Tổng hợp cấu trúc viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

Bài tập 6: Câu bị động với động từ khuyết thiếu

Từ câu chủ động cho sẵn, viết lại câu theo đúng cấu trúc câu bị động lớp 10

  1. They can solve the problem.
  2. She should clean the house before the guests arrive.
  3. We must finish the report by tomorrow.
  4. You ought to tell the truth.
  5. They might build a new school here.
  6. He could have made a mistake.
  7. We will deliver the package tomorrow.
  8. The students can answer all the questions.
  9. She must wear a uniform to school.
  10. You should close the windows before you leave.
  11. He could finish the work on time.
  12. They might announce the results soon.
  13. We ought to respect our elders.
  14. She can speak three languages.
  15. The doctor must examine the patient immediately.
  16. You should submit the application before the deadline.
  17. They can use the computer lab after class.
  18. He might win the competition.
  19. She should take the medicine twice a day.
  20. The manager could make the final decision.

Bài tập 7: Bài tập câu bị động lớp 10 dạng đặc biệt

  1. Viết lại câu
  2. People say that she is a great singer.  
  3. They think that the company will expand soon.  
  4. Everyone knows that he is a talented actor.  
  5. People believe that the climate is changing rapidly.  
  6. They report that the accident caused heavy damage.  
  7. People say that the new product is very efficient.  
  8. They expect that she will win the competition.  
  9. People know that this area is dangerous at night.  
  10. They claim that he invented the machine.  
  11. People think that learning English is important.  
  12. They believe that the economy will recover next year.  
  13. People say that she has traveled to many countries.  
  14. They consider that this solution is the best option.  
  15. People believe that he is the richest man in town.  
  16. They report that the project has been completed.  
  17. People say that the movie is very entertaining.  
  18. They think that the manager is very strict.  
  19. People say that this city is the most expensive to live in.  
  20. They believe that technology will change the future.  
  21. People say that the concert will be held next week.
  22. Hoàn thành các câu sau ở thể bị động 
  23. It is said that she (be) ___________ a talented artist.
  24. He is thought (live) ___________ abroad for many years.
  25. The project is expected (complete) ___________ by the end of this month.
  26. It is believed that the solution (find) ___________ soon.
  27. The company is reported (achieve) ___________ record sales this year.
  28. It is known that he (speak) ___________ five languages.
  29. The team is believed (win) ___________ the championship last year.
  30. It is expected that new regulations (introduce) ___________ next month.
  31. She is said (travel) ___________ to over 50 countries.
  32. It is believed that they (make) ___________ a significant discovery.
  33. The book is reported (sell) ___________ millions of copies worldwide.
  34. It is said that the film (be) ___________ one of the best this year.
  35. The manager is expected (resign) ___________ soon.
  36. The package is reported (deliver) ___________ yesterday.
  37. It is believed that the accident (cause) ___________ by human error.
  38. He is thought (be) ___________ one of the richest men in the world.
  39. It is expected that the conference (hold) ___________ next week.
  40. The results are believed (announce) ___________ in a few days.
  41. It is claimed that the machine (invent) ___________ by him.
  42. She is said (perform) ___________ at the concert last night.

3. Đáp án bài tập câu bị động lớp 10

Bài tập 1









































Bài tập 2

  1. is being repaired
  2. was written
  3. will be opened
  4. will be completed
  5. was sung
  6. were given
  7. is being painted
  8. will be made
  9. are cleaned
  10. will be finished
  11. will be sent
  12. was delivered
  13. will be solved
  14. should be served
  15. will be decorated
  16. was delivered
  17. is being corrected
  18. will be read
  19. was repaired
  20. is being watched

Bài tập 3



















































Bài tập 4

  1. The door is opened by him.  
  2. The car is being repaired by them.  
  3. A letter has been written by her.  
  4. The project will be finished tomorrow.  
  5. The food is being prepared by the chef.  
  6. The windows are cleaned every week.  
  7. The report had been finished before the deadline.  
  8. The package was delivered yesterday.  
  9. A new bridge is being built.  
  10. The homework must be completed.

Bài tập 5

  1. I was given a book.  
  2. We were taught English.  
  3. A new car was bought by him.  
  4. She was offered a job.  
  5. An email will be sent to you.  
  6. All the products have been sold by the company.  
  7. My bike was stolen.  
  8. The computer is being fixed.  
  9. The results will be announced by the manager.  
  10. The house has been cleaned by her.

Bài tập 6

  1. The problem can be solved.
  2. The house should be cleaned before the guests arrive.
  3. The report must be finished by tomorrow.
  4. The truth ought to be told.
  5. A new school might be built here.
  6. A mistake could have been made.
  7. The package will be delivered tomorrow.
  8. All the questions can be answered by the students.
  9. A uniform must be worn to school.
  10. The windows should be closed before you leave.
  11. The work could be finished on time.
  12. The results might be announced soon.
  13. Our elders ought to be respected.
  14. Three languages can be spoken by her.
  15. The patient must be examined immediately.
  16. The application should be submitted before the deadline.
  17. The computer lab can be used after class.
  18. The competition might be won by him.
  19. The medicine should be taken twice a day.
  20. The final decision could be made by the manager.

Bài tập 7:

Phần A

  1. It is said that she is a great singer./ She is said to be a great singer.
  2. It is thought that the company will expand soon./ The company is thought to expand soon.
  3. It is known that he is a talented actor./ He is known to be a talented actor.
  4. It is believed that the climate is changing rapidly./ The climate is believed to be changing rapidly.
  5. It is reported that the accident caused heavy damage./ The accident is reported to have caused heavy damage.
  6. It is said that the new product is very efficient./ The new product is said to be very efficient.
  7. It is expected that she will win the competition./ She is expected to win the competition.
  8. It is known that this area is dangerous at night./ This area is known to be dangerous at night.
  9. It is claimed that he invented the machine./ He is claimed to have invented the machine.
  10. It is thought that learning English is important./ Learning English is thought to be important.
  11. It is believed that the economy will recover next year./ The economy is believed to recover next year.
  12. It is said that she has traveled to many countries./ She is said to have traveled to many countries.
  13. It is considered that this solution is the best option./ This solution is considered to be the best option.
  14. It is believed that he is the richest man in town./ He is believed to be the richest man in town.
  15. It is reported that the project has been completed./ The project is reported to have been completed.
  16. It is said that the movie is very entertaining./ The movie is said to be very entertaining.
  17. It is thought that the manager is very strict./ The manager is thought to be very strict.
  18. It is said that this city is the most expensive to live in./ This city is said to be the most expensive to live in.
  19. It is believed that technology will change the future./ Technology is believed to change the future.
  20. It is said that the concert will be held next week./ The concert is said to be held next week.

Phần B.

  1. is
  2. to have lived
  3. to be completed
  4. will be found
  5. to have achieved  
  6. speaks  
  7. to have won  
  8. to be introduced  
  9. to have traveled  
  10. to have made  
  11. to have sold  
  12. to be  
  13. to resign  
  14. to have been delivered  
  15. to have been caused  
  16. to be
  17. to be held  
  18. to be announced  
  19. to have been invented  
  20. to have performed

>>> Xem thêm:

Bài viết này đã tổng hợp tất cả các dạng bài tập câu bị động lớp 10 chi tiết từ cơ bản đến nâng cao. Đây là một trong những phần kiến thức quan trọng vậy nên đừng quên luyện tập mỗi ngày để hiểu rõ và ghi nhớ kiến thức câu bị động nhé!

Ms. Lê Thị Hương Lan
Tác giả: Ms. Lê Thị Hương Lan
  • 920 TOEIC
  • Tốt nghiệp loại Giỏi, Cử nhân Ngôn Ngữ Anh, trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ (ĐHQG)
  • 7 năm kinh nghiệm giảng tiếng Anh

Nội Dung Hot


Khoá học trực tuyến
1 kèm 1

  • Học và trao đổi trực tiếp 1 thầy 1 trò.
  • Giao tiếp liên tục, sửa lỗi kịp thời, bù đắp lỗ hổng ngay lập tức.
  • Lộ trình học được thiết kế riêng cho từng học viên.
  • Dựa trên mục tiêu, đặc thù từng ngành việc của học viên.
  • Học mọi lúc mọi nơi, thời gian linh hoạt.

Chi tiết



  • Học các kỹ năng trong công việc: đàm phán, thuyết trình, viết email, gọi điện,...
  • Chủ đề học liên quan trực tiếp đến các tình huống công việc thực tế
  • Đội ngũ giáo viên tối thiểu 7.5 IELTS hoặc 900 TOEIC, có kinh nghiệm thực tế với tiếng Anh công sở.
  • Phương pháp học chủ đạo: Siêu phản xạ, PG (chuẩn hóa phát âm), PBL (Học qua dự án),...

Chi tiết



  • Giáo viên đạt tối thiểu 7.5+ IELTS/900+ TOEIC và có kinh nghiệm giảng dạy tiếng Anh công sở
  • Lộ trình học thiết kế riêng phù hợp với mục tiêu doanh nghiệp.
  • Nội dung học và các kỹ năng tiếng Anh có tính thực tế cao
  • Tổ chức lớp học thử cho công ty để trải nghiệm chất lượng đào tạo

Chi tiết

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