Tổng hợp bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt có đáp án

Bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt là một trong những nội dung ôn tập trọng tâm trong mỗi kỳ thi tiếng Anh. Langmaster gửi đến bạn nội dung bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt đầy đủ và chi tiết nhất giúp bạn ghi nhớ và nắm vững phần kiến thức quan trọng này.

1. Tóm tắt lý thuyết câu bị động đặc biệt

Câu bị động là câu nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ (người hoặc con vật) bị tác động hoặc phải chịu ảnh hưởng bởi một sự việc khác. Đây là nội dung kiến thức quan trọng mà bất cứ ai khi học ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cũng cần nắm vững. 

Bên cạnh các cấu trúc câu bị động thông thường còn có 9 dạng câu bị động đặc biệt cũng là phần kiến thức thiết yếu. Trước khi bắt đầu làm bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt, hãy cùng rà soát lại kiến thức 9 dạng câu bị động đặc biệt trong bảng sau đây.

các dạng câu bị động đặc biệt trong tiếng anh

Các dạng câu bị động đặc biệt

Dạng chủ động

Dạng bị động

Trường hợp 1

Trường hợp 2

Câu bị động có 2 tân ngữ

S + V + O1 (tân ngữ gián tiếp) + O2 (tân ngữ trực tiếp)

Khi tân ngữ gián tiếp làm chủ ngữ chính trong câu:

S + be + VpII + O2

Khi tân ngữ trực tiếp làm chủ ngữ chính trong câu:

S + be + VpII + giới từ + O1

Câu bị động đặc biệt với V-ing

V + Sb + Ving

V + Sth/Sb + being + VpII

Câu bị động đặc biệt với động từ tri giác 

S + V + Sb + Ving/to V-inf

S + to be + VpII + Ving/to V-inf

Câu bị động đặc biệt “kép”

S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V2 (Clause)

Khi V1 ở câu chủ động chia ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại đơn, hiện tại hoàn thành

  • It is + V1-pII + that + Clause
  • S2 + is/am/are + V1-pII + to have + V2-pII

Khi V1 ở câu chủ động chia ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, quá khứ đơn và quá khứ hoàn thành

  • It was + V1-pII + that + Clause
  •  S2 + was/were + V1-pII + to + V2 (nguyên thể) 

Câu bị động đặc biệt với câu mệnh lệnh

It’s one’s duty to + V-inf

S + to be + supposed to + V-inf

It’s necessary to + V-inf

S + must/should + be + V2/ed

Câu mệnh lệnh thức

→ Verb + Object

S + must/should + be + V2/ed

Câu bị động đặc biệt với cấu trúc: Nhờ ai làm gì

S + have + sb + V

S + have + sth + V2/ed

S + get + sb + to + V

S + get + sth + VpII

Câu bị động đặc biệt với Make và Let

S + make + sb + V-inf

S + to be + made + to + V-inf

S + let + sb + V-inf

Let + sb/sth + be V2/ed = be allowed to V-inf

Câu bị động cùng 7 động từ đặc biệt 

(suggest, request, require, order, insist, demand, recommend…)

S + suggest/require… + that + S + (should) + V-inf + O

It + be + VpII (of 7 verbs) + that + something + be + VpII

Câu bị động với chủ ngữ giả It

It + to be + adj + for somebody + to V + to do something

It + to be + adj + for something + to be done

2. Tổng hợp bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt

Bài tập 1: Bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt có 2 tân ngữ

  1. They gave me a gift on my birthday.
  2. The company offered him a new position.
  3. The teacher explained the lesson to the students.
  4. She sent her friend an invitation to the party.
  5. He showed us his holiday photos.
  6. They bought their parents a new car.
  7. The chef cooked us a delicious meal.
  8. The manager promised the employees a bonus.
  9. He wrote me a letter last week.
  10. She brought them some fresh fruits.

Bài tập 2: Bài tập với câu bị động V-ing

  1. They saw him climbing over the fence.
  2. The teacher found the students cheating during the exam.
  3. She caught her brother stealing money from her wallet.
  4. We heard them talking in the library.
  5. I noticed him taking photos at the event.
  6. They observed the birds building their nests.
  7. He discovered the kids playing in the backyard.
  8. I heard someone calling my name.
  9. The police caught the suspect breaking into the house.
  10. We saw the dog digging a hole in the garden.

Bài tập 3: Bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt với động từ tri giác

  1. I saw him repair the car.
  2. We heard her sing a beautiful song.
  3. They watched the kids play in the park.
  4. She noticed someone enter the room quietly.
  5. The teacher found the students discuss the project.
  6. He observed the workers build the new bridge.
  7. We heard the cat scratch the door.
  8. I saw them leave the house early in the morning.
  9. She watched her son draw a picture.
  10. They noticed the dog chase the cat across the yard.

Bài tập 4: Bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt “kép”

  1. People say that she is very intelligent.
  2. People said that the singer performed well.
  3. They believe that the project will be completed on time.
  4. Scientists claim that this drug is effective.
  5. They believed that he was telling the truth.
  6. Everyone knows that he works hard.
  7. Experts claimed that the product had been tested thoroughly.
  8. The police reported that the suspect had fled the scene.
  9. The media report that the event is a huge success.
  10. They thought that the meeting was canceled.

Bài tập 5: Bài tập câu bị động mệnh lệnh

  1. It’s your duty to complete the report.
  2. It’s necessary to submit the application before the deadline. 
  3. It’s her duty to organize the meeting.
  4. It’s necessary to check the results thoroughly. 
  5. It’s necessary to clean the workspace regularly.
  6. Complete the task, please!.
  7. Write a report. 
  8. Attend the meeting! 
  9. It’s their duty to take care of the children.
  10. It’s necessary to provide feedback on the project.

Bài tập 6: Bài tập câu bị động với cấu trúc nhờ ai làm gì

  1. She had her brother fix her bike.
  2. They got the technician to install the software.
  3. The manager had the team submit the report.
  4. He got his friend to help him with the project.
  5. We had the painter decorate our house.
  6. She had her assistant book the tickets.
  7. They got the contractor to repair the roof.
  8. The teacher had the students review the material before the exam.
  9. He got his lawyer to draft the contract.
  10. We had the gardener trim the hedges.

Bài tập 7: Bài tập câu bị động cấu trúc Make/Let

  1. I always make a point to exercise every morning. 
  2. The chef made a delicious meal for the guests. 
  3. He made the presentation more interesting with his visuals.
  4. My parents make me do all the housework.
  5. The artist made a beautiful sculpture for the exhibition. 
  6. I made my son clean the floor. 
  7. My father let me cook the dinner yesterday.
  8. I am never let to watch TV for more than 1 hour. 
  9. They let her join the team. 
  10. She let her friend borrow her book. 

Bài tập 8: Bài tập câu bị động cùng 7 động từ đặc biệt

  1. She suggested that he study harder for the exam.
  2. The teacher requested that the students submit their projects on time.
  3. The manager required that the team attend the meeting.
  4. He ordered that they clean the office.
  5. They insisted that she apologize for her mistake.
  6. The board demanded that the report be revised.
  7. I recommended that he take a break.
  8. The committee suggested that the project be completed by next month.
  9. The doctor requested that the patient take the medication regularly.
  10. They demanded that the issue be addressed immediately.

Bài tập 9: Bài tập câu bị động với chủ ngữ giả It

  1. It is easy for them to solve the problem.
  2. It is important for students to complete the assignment.
  3. It is difficult for her to understand this concept.
  4. It is necessary for us to clean the house.
  5. It is helpful for you to follow the instructions.
  6. It is difficult for the students to solve this problem.
  7. It is important for him to finish the project on time.
  8. It is easy for her to understand the lesson.
  9. It is hard for them to prepare the presentation by tomorrow.
  10. It is necessary for you to complete the form.

Bài tập 10: Bài tập tổng hợp câu bị động đặc biệt

  1. The teacher gave the students a new assignment.
  2. She sent her friend a birthday card.
  3. People enjoy listening to classical music.
  4. We saw him crossing the street.
  5. The teacher believes that the student will pass the exam.
  6. They expect that the project will be completed on time.
  7. The teacher believes that the student will pass the exam.
  8. They expect that the project will be completed on time.
  9. Clean the room before you leave.
  10. Don’t touch the paintings in the gallery.
  1. She had her assistant organize the meeting.
  2. He got his friend to fix the bike.
  3. His parents made him apologize to his sister.
  4. They let the children play in the park.
  5. The manager requested that the report be submitted by Friday.

Đáp án tham khảo

Bài tập 1:

  1. I was given a gift on my birthday.

A gift was given to me on my birthday.

  1. He was offered a new position.

A new position was offered to him.

  1. The students were explained the lesson.

The lesson was explained to the students.

  1. Her friend was sent an invitation to the party. 

An invitation was sent to her friend.

  1. We were shown his holiday photos.

His holiday photos were shown to us.

  1. Their parents were bought a new car.

A new car was bought for their parents.

  1. We were cooked a delicious meal.

A delicious meal was cooked for us.

8.The employees were promised a bonus.

A bonus was promised to the employees.

  1. I was written a letter last week.

A letter was written to me last week.

  1. They were brought some fresh fruits.

Some fresh fruits were brought to them.

Bài tập 2:

  1. He was seen climbing over the fence.
  2. The students were found cheating during the exam.
  3. Her brother was caught stealing money from her wallet.
  4. They were heard talking in the library.
  5. He was noticed taking photos at the event.
  6. The birds were observed building their nests.
  7. The kids were discovered playing in the backyard.
  8. Someone was heard calling my name.
  9. The suspect was caught breaking into the house.
  10. The dog was seen digging a hole in the garden.

Bài tập 3:

  1. He was seen repairing the car.
  2. She was heard singing a beautiful song.
  3. The kids were watched playing in the park.
  4. Someone was noticed entering the room quietly.
  5. The students were found discussing the project.
  6. The workers were observed building the new bridge.
  7. The cat was heard scratching the door.
  8. They were seen leaving the house early in the morning.
  9. Her son was watched drawing a picture.
  10. The dog was noticed chasing the cat across the yard.

Bài tập 4:

  1. It is said that she is very intelligent.

She is said to be very intelligent.

  1. It was said that the singer performed well.

The singer was said to have performed well.

  1. It is believed that the project will be completed on time.

The project is believed to be completed on time.

  1. It is claimed that this drug is effective.

This drug is claimed to be effective.

  1. It was believed that he was telling the truth. 

He was believed to be telling the truth.

  1. It is known that he works hard. 

He is known to work hard.

  1. It was claimed that the product had been tested thoroughly.

The product was claimed to have been tested thoroughly.

  1. It was reported that the suspect had fled the scene.

The suspect was reported to have fled the scene.

  1. It is reported that the event is a huge success. The event is reported to be a huge success.
  2. It was thought that the meeting was canceled.

The meeting was thought to have been canceled.

Bài tập 5:

  1. It’s your duty to have the report completed.
  2. It’s necessary to have the application submitted before the deadline.
  3. It’s her duty to have the meeting organized.
  4. It’s necessary to have the results checked thoroughly.
  5. It’s necessary to have the workspace cleaned regularly.
  6. Let the task be completed
  7. Let a report be written.
  8. Let the meeting be attended.
  9. It’s their duty to have the children taken care of.
  10. It’s necessary to have feedback provided on the project.

Bài tập 6:

  1. Her bike was had to be fixed by her brother.
  2. The software was got to be installed by the technician.
  3. The report was had to be submitted by the team by the manager.
  4. He was got to be helped by his friend with the project.
  5. Our house was had to be decorated by the painter.
  6. The tickets were had to be booked by her assistant.
  7. The roof was got to be repaired by the contractor.
  8. The material was had to be reviewed by the students before the exam.
  9. He was got to be drafted the contract by his lawyer.
  10. The hedges were had to be trimmed by the gardener.

Bài tập 7:

  1. A point should always be made to exercise every morning.
  2. Her brother was made to cry by her story.
  3. The presentation was made more interesting by him with his visuals
  4. I am made to do all the housework.
  5. A beautiful sculpture was made for the exhibition.
  6. I made the floor cleaned by my son.
  7. My father let the dinner cooked by me yesterday.
  8. I am never allowed to watch TV more than 1 hour.
  9. They let the team to be joined by her.
  10. She let her book to be borrowed by her friend.

Bài tập 8:

  1. It was suggested that he should study harder for the exam.
  2. It was requested that the students should submit their projects on time.
  3. It was required that the team should attend the meeting.
  4. It was ordered that they should clean the office.
  5. It was insisted that she should apologize for her mistake.
  6. It was demanded that the report be revised.
  7. It was recommended that he should take a break.
  8. It was suggested that the project should be completed by next month.
  9. It was requested that the patient should take the medication regularly.
  10. It was demanded that the issue be addressed immediately.

Bài tập 9:

  1. It is easy for the problem to be solved by them.
  2. It is important for the assignment to be completed by students.
  3. It is difficult for this concept to be understood by her.
  4. It is necessary for the house to be cleaned by us.
  5. It is helpful for the instructions to be followed by you.
  6. It is difficult for this problem to be solved by the students.
  7. It is important for the project to be finished by him on time.
  8. It is easy for the lesson to be understood by her.
  9. It is hard for the presentation to be prepared by them by tomorrow.
  10. It is necessary for the form to be completed by you.

Bài tập 10:

  1. A new assignment was given to the students by the teacher.

The students were given a new assignment by the teacher.

  1. A birthday card was sent to her friend by her.

Her friend was sent a birthday card by her.

  1. Classical music is enjoyed being listened to by people.
  2. He was seen crossing the street by us.
  3. She was heard to sing a beautiful song by me.
  4. The thief was seen to escape from the building by them.
  5. The student is believed to pass the exam by the teacher.
  6. The project is expected to be completed on time by them.
  7. The room is to be cleaned before you leave.
  8. The paintings are not to be touched in the gallery.
  9. The meeting was had to be organized by her assistant.
  10. The bike was got to be fixed by his friend.
  11. He was made to apologize to his sister by his parents.
  12. The children were let to play in the park by them.
  13. It was requested that the report be submitted by Friday by the manager.

>>> Xem thêm: 

Hy vọng rằng qua phần bài tập câu bị động đặc biệt này sẽ giúp bạn ghi nhớ và nắm vững một trong những phần kiến thức quan trọng nhất trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh. Đừng quên ôn luyện thường xuyên để không lãng quên kiến thức nhé!

Ms. Đinh Ngọc Ánh
Tác giả: Ms. Đinh Ngọc Ánh
  • Chứng chỉ TOEIC 945, VSTEP C1, PTE 76/90
  • Tốt nghiệp loại Giỏi, Cử nhân Ngôn Ngữ Anh - Đại học Ngoại ngữ (ĐHGQHN)
  • 6 năm kinh nghiệm giảng tiếng Anh

Nội Dung Hot


Khoá học trực tuyến
1 kèm 1

  • Học và trao đổi trực tiếp 1 thầy 1 trò.
  • Giao tiếp liên tục, sửa lỗi kịp thời, bù đắp lỗ hổng ngay lập tức.
  • Lộ trình học được thiết kế riêng cho từng học viên.
  • Dựa trên mục tiêu, đặc thù từng ngành việc của học viên.
  • Học mọi lúc mọi nơi, thời gian linh hoạt.

Chi tiết



  • Học các kỹ năng trong công việc: đàm phán, thuyết trình, viết email, gọi điện,...
  • Chủ đề học liên quan trực tiếp đến các tình huống công việc thực tế
  • Đội ngũ giáo viên tối thiểu 7.5 IELTS hoặc 900 TOEIC, có kinh nghiệm thực tế với tiếng Anh công sở.
  • Phương pháp học chủ đạo: Siêu phản xạ, PG (chuẩn hóa phát âm), PBL (Học qua dự án),...

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  • Giáo viên đạt tối thiểu 7.5+ IELTS/900+ TOEIC và có kinh nghiệm giảng dạy tiếng Anh công sở
  • Lộ trình học thiết kế riêng phù hợp với mục tiêu doanh nghiệp.
  • Nội dung học và các kỹ năng tiếng Anh có tính thực tế cao
  • Tổ chức lớp học thử cho công ty để trải nghiệm chất lượng đào tạo

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