Câu điều kiện loại 2 là điểm ngữ pháp cơ bản, không kém phần quan trọng trong quá trình học tiếng Anh. Để nắm chắc toàn bộ kiến thức liên quan đến cấu trúc, cách dùng dạng câu điều kiện này, các bạn hãy ôn luyện qua bài viết tổng hợp các bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 đầy đủ, có kèm đáp án sau đây của Langmaster nhé! 

1. Tóm tắt kiến thức về câu điều kiện loại 2

1.1 Cấu trúc

Câu điều kiện loại 2 là dạng câu điều kiện diễn tả tình huống trái với thực tế ở hiện tại. Trong câu điều kiện loại 2 cũng gồm một mệnh đề “if” và một mệnh đề chính có cấu trúc như sau:

If + S + V-ed/cột 2, S + would/ could/ might (not) + V-inf + O

Ví dụ:

  • If you had more time, you could finish this job on time. (Nếu có nhiều thời gian hơn, cậu đã có thể xong công việc đó đúng hạn rồi.)
  • Susan would get a high mark if she studied hard before the exam. (Susan đã có thể đạt điểm cao nếu cô ấy chăm chỉ học trước kỳ thi.)

Lưu ý: Đối với động từ “tobe” trong mệnh đề “if”, chúng ta sẽ chia ở thể bàng thái cách, tức là “to be” -> “were” đối với tất cả mọi chủ ngữ. 

Ví dụ: I wouldn’t go out with him if I were you. (Tôi sẽ không đi chơi với anh ta nếu tôi là cậu.)

Ôn tập cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại 2

1.2 Cách dùng

  • Dùng để diễn tả một hành động/ sự việc không thể xảy ra ở tình huống hiện tại. 

Ví dụ: If Kathy bought food for dinner, her mom wouldn’t get angry. (Nếu Kathy mua thức ăn cho bữa tối, mẹ cô ấy đã không nổi giận. -> Sự thật là hiện tại mẹ Kathy đã bực mình vì con gái đã không mua đồ ăn tối.)

  • Dùng để khuyên nhủ ai đó.

Ví dụ: If I were you, I wouldn’t tell her about this news. (Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ không kể cho cô ấy nghe tin này.)

  • Dùng để thể hiện sự trái ngược với khả năng hiện tại của bản thân.

Ví dụ: If Kai had enough money, he could travel around the world this year. (Nếu Kai có đủ tiền, anh ấy đã có thể du lịch vòng quanh thế giới trong năm nay. -> Sự thật là Kai hiện tại không có khả năng đi du lịch khắp thế giới.)


1.3 Biến thể câu điều kiện loại 2

a. Biến thể mệnh đề if

  • Cấu trúc: If + S + were + V-ing, S + would/ could + V-inf

Ví dụ: If I were reading a book, I wouldn’t help you with dinner. (Nếu tôi đang đọc sách, tôi sẽ không thể giúp bạn làm bữa tối.)

  • Cấu trúc: If + S + had + V3/Ved, S + would/ could + V-inf

Ví dụ: If I had helped Lam revise, he would pass the exam. (Nếu tôi giúp Lâm ôn tập, cậu ấy đã có thể vượt qua kỳ thi.)

b. Biến thể mệnh đề chính

  • Cấu trúc: If + S + V (past simple), S + would/ could + be + V-ing

Ví dụ: If it were Sunday, I would be going camping with my friends. (Nếu hôm nay là Chủ Nhật, thì tôi đang đi cắm trại với đám bạn.)

  • Cấu trúc: If + S + V (past simple), S + V (past simple)

Ví dụ: If I told him to come yesterday, I was happy today. (Nếu hôm qua tôi bảo anh ta đến, thì hôm nay tôi đã thấy vui rồi.)

Biến thể câu điều kiện loại 2

1.4 Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 2

Cấu trúc: If + S + V (past simple), S + would/ could + V-inf

→ Were + S + N/ Adj/ to V, S + would/ could + V-inf

Ví dụ: 

  • If I were you, I wouldn’t eat that snack. (Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ không ăn loại snack đó đâu.) → Were I you, I wouldn’t eat that snack. 
  • If this exercise weren’t difficult, I would help you. (Nếu bài tập này không quá khó, tôi sẽ giúp cậu.) Weren’t this exercise so difficult, I would help you.
  • If you often talked to Lan, she would be happy to go out with you. (Nếu cậu hay nói chuyện với Lan, cô ấy sẽ rất vui để đi chơi với cậu.Were you often to talk to Lan, she would be happy to go out with you.

2. Tổng hợp các bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 kèm đáp án

Bài tập 1. Điền dạng đúng của các câu điều kiện loại 2 sau

1. If I ______(be) you, I ______(buy) flowers to give her.

2. If my grandfather ______(be) younger, he ______(travel) to Japan.

3. If you ______(agree) to tag along with me, I ______(not be) upset.

4. If Sarah ______(earn) enough money, she ______(pay) off all of the debts.

5. He ______(be) extremely happy if his girlfriend ______(accept) his proposal.

6. ______ (you/buy) a house if you ______(live) in Vietnam?

7. If Tung and Long ______(be) older, they ______(play) in our football team.

8. If Jackson ______(be) my friend, I ______(invite) him to my birthday party.

9. If Nam ______(get) more pocket money, he ______(ask) Hong out for dinner.

10. If they ______(win) the lottery, they ______(fly) to Osaka.

11. If I ______(meet) Black Pink, I ______(ask) for their autograph.

12. Johnson ______(not feel) lonely all the time if he ______(live) with others. 

13. My dad ______(be) healthier if he ______(not smoke).

14. It ______(be) great if she ______(trust) me.

15. If I ______(not speak) Chinese, ______(you/understand) me?

16. If we ______(win) the prize, we ______(travel) to visit Eiffel Tower.

17. If my father ______(have) a high-paying job, my family ______(be) better a lot.

18. You ______(have) a good job promotion if you ______(get) an IELTS degree.

19. Her family ______(be) on holiday if the weather ______(not be) too cold.

20. If I ______(be) you, I ______(take) a course at that language center. 

21. If your sister ______(water) her plants regularly, they ______(not die) so easily. 

22. If my brother ______(get) up early, he ______(not get) stuck in traffic jams. 

23. Karik ______(not have) dark circles under his eyes if he ______(go) to bed at 10 p.m every day. 

24. We ______(not be) late again if we ______(not travel) by bus.

25. If you ______(eat) more, you ______(gain) the weight.

26. If I ______(be) you, I ______(meet) him at a coffee shop.

27. They ______(see) each other often if they ______(live) closer.

28. If it ______(not rain), Jimmy ______(go) to work on time.

29. If I ______(be) more careful, I ______(not make) that stupid mistake.

30. My parents ______(feel) less stressed if they ______(know) how to balance life and work. 

Đáp án

1. were – would buy

2. were – would travel

3. agreed – wouldn’t be

4. earned – would pay

5. would be – accepted

6. Would you buy – lived

7. were – would play

8. were – would invite

9. got – would ask

10. won – would fly

11. met – would ask

12. wouldn't feel – lived

13. would be – didn't smoke

14. would be – trusted

15. didn't speak – would you understand

16. won – would travel

17. had – would be

18. would have – got

19. would be – wasn't

20. were – would take

21. watered – wouldn't die

22. got – wouldn't get

23. would have – went

24. wouldn't be – didn't travel

25. ate – would gain

26. were – would meet

27. would see – lived

28. didn't rain – would go

29. were – wouldn't make 

30. would feel – knew




Bài tập 2. Chọn đáp án đúng trong mỗi câu sau

1. I ______(visit) Philip’s friend if I ______(have) her address.
A. visited – had
B. would visit – had
C. would visit – have
2. If Sany ______(have) free time, he ______(come) to Linda’s party.
A. had – would come
B. had – will come
C. had – came
3. They ______(save) more money if they ______(not buy) those goods.
A. would save – didn’t buy
B. would save – don’t buy
C. saved – don’t buy
4. If they ______(decide) to stay here, they ______(spend) more time for each other.
A. decided – spent
B. decided – will spend
C. decided – would spend
5. If we ______(talk) about this topic, Ahn ______(be) very happy.
A. talked – will be
B. talked – would be
C. talked – was
6. If I were you, I ______(not drink) red wine.
A. wouldn’t drink
B. won’t drink
C. didn’t drink
7. If Lanny ______(live) in Vietnam, she ______(speak) Vietnamese fluently.
A. lived – could speak
B. lived – spoke
C. lived – will speak
8. They ______(get) the trophy if they ______(win) the match.
A. got – won
B. will get – won
C. would get – won
9. If Lam ______(shave) his head, her parents ______(be) mad.
A. shaved – would be
B. shaved – will be
C. shaved – were
10. If I ______(catch) that bus, I ______(go) to school on time.
A. caught – went
B. caught – will go
C. caught – would go
11. What ______(Chi/do) if she ______(fail) the entrance exam?
A. did Chi do – failed
B. will Chi do – failed
C. would Chi do – failed
12. If you ______(do) exercise regularly, you ______(not get) ill.
A. did – won’t get
B. did – wouldn’t get
C. did – don’t get
13. Where ______(you/choose) if you ______(travel) around the world?
A. would you choose – traveled
B. do you choose – traveled
C. will you choose – traveled
14. If they ______(live) in America for 2 years, their English ______(improve).
A. lived – will improve
B. lived – would improve
C. lived – improved
15. If David ______(act) more friendlily, more people ______(like) to talk to him.
A. acted – liked
B. acted – will like
C. acted – would like
16. 1. If I (have) ____ a lot of money, I (buy) ____ a yacht.
A. had – buy
B. had – would buy
C. had – had bought
17. If I (be) ____ a baby, I (cry) ____ all of the time.
A. were – would cry
B. was – would cry
C. was – cry
18. If she (eat) ____ lots of chocolate, she (have) ____ bad teeth.
A. eat – has
B. ate – would have
C. eat – had had
19. If I (not have) ____ a pencil, I (borrow) ____ one.
A. don’t have – would borrow
B. didn’t have – would borrow
C. hadn’t had – will borrow
20. If he (not have to) ____ go to school, he (watch) ____ television all day.
A. didn’t have to – would watch
B. didn’t have to – watch
C. doesn’t have to – would watch
21. If she (have) ____ good grades, she (be) ____ happy.
A. had – will be
B. have – would be
C. had – would be
22. My boss (be) ____ very pleased if I (finish) ____ the job.
A. would be – has finished
B. would be – finishs
C. would be – finished
23. I (not go) ____ to school if I (have) ____ a bad cold.
A. wouldn’t go – has had
B. wouldn’t go – had
C. wouldn’t go – have
24. If she (earn) ____ some money, she (buy) ____ a new dress.
A. earned – would buy
B. has earned – would buy
C. earn – would buy
25. If I (invite) ____ fifty friends to my birthday party, my parents (be) ____ mad.
A. invite – would be
B. has invited – would be
C. invited – would be
26. 1. If we (have) ____ a yacht, we (sail) ____ the seven seas.
A. had – would sail
B. had – sails
C. has had – would sail
27. If he (have) ____ more time, he (learn) ____ karate.
A. had – learn
B. had – would learn
C. has had – would learn
28. If they (tell) ____ their father, he (be) ____ very angry.
A. tells – be
B. told – would be
C. tell – had been
29. She (spend) ____ a year in the USA if it (be) ____ easier to get a green card.
A. spend – will be
B. spent – would have been
C. would spend – were
30. If I (live) ____ on a lonely island, I (run) ____ around naked all day.
A. lived – would run
B. live – would run
C. lived – would have run
31. We (help) ____ you if we (know) ____ how.
A. would help – knew
B. would help – has knew
C. help – has knew
32. My brother (buy) ____ a sports car if he (have) ____ the money.
A. buy – has
B. would buy – had
C. bought – had had
33. If I (feel) ____ better, I (go) ____ to the cinema with you.
A. felt – would go
B. has felt – would go
C. felt – would have gone
34. If you (go) ____ by bike more often, you _______ (not be) so flabby.
A. went – wouldn’t be
B. go – wouldn’t be
C. has gone – wouldn’t be
35. She (not/talk) ____ to you if she (be) ____ mad at you.
A. didn’t talk – would be
B. has talked – would be
C. doesn’t talk – would be

Đáp án:

  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. B
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. C
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B
  31. A
  32. B
  33. A
  34. A
  35. A

Bài tập 3. Chọn đáp án đúng điền vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau

  1. If I (were/was/would be) ________ rich, I (will try/would try/tried) _______ to help the poor.
  2. What (would you do/will you do/did you do) ________ if you (see/would see/saw) ________ a huge snake in your room?
  3. If I (was/would be/were) _____________ you, I (asked/would ask/will ask) ___________ for his help.
  4. If he (finded/would find/found) ____________ a wallet in the street, he (would take/took/taken) ____________ it to the police.
  5. If she (were/was/would be) ____________ an animal, she (is/would be/were) _________ a bird.
  6. They (were/would be/will be) ____________ terrified if they (saw/see/would see) ____________ robbers on the street. 
  7. But I (am not/will not be/would not be) ____________ too materialistic if I (have/had/will have/would have) ____________ millions of dollars.
  8. I (help/will help/would help) ____________ the poor if I (become/became/had become) ____________ a millionaire.
  9. I (give/will give/would give) ____________ some money to charities, if I (am/will be/would be/were) ____________ rich.
  10. If I (have/had/will have/would have) ____________ millions of dollars, I (am not/will not be/would not be) ____________ mean.
  11. If I (was offered/has offered/offered) _____________ this job, I think I (will take/took/would take) ____________ it.
  12. I’m sure Tom will lend you a book. I (would be/will be/had been) _________ very surprised if he ___________ (has refused/refused/refuse).
  13. Many people would be out of work if that factory (closed/has closes/close) __________ down.
  14. If she sold her house, she (would get/get/had got) __________ much money for it.
  15. They’re expecting us. They would be worried if we ____________ (don’t come/didn’t come/hasn’t come)
  16. Would Henry be angry if I (take/took/has taken) ___________ his car without asking?
  17. Ann gave me this bracelet. She (would be/has been/were) __________ upset if I lost it.
  18. If someone (walks/walked/has walked) __________ in here with a snake, I’d be very frightened.
  19. What would happen if you (don’t go/didn’t go/hasn’t gone) __________ to school tomorrow?
  20. I’m sure she (understand/has understood/would understand) __________ if you explained the situation to her.

Đáp án:

  1. were; would try
  2. would you do; saw
  3. were; would ask
  4. found; would take
  5. were; would be
  6. would be; saw
  7. would not be; had
  8. would help; became
  9. would give; were
  10. had; would not be
  11. was offered; would take
  12. would be; refused
  13. closed
  14. would get
  15. didn’t come
  16. took
  17. would be
  18. walked
  19. didn’t go
  20. would understand

Bài tập 4. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong các câu sau. 

  1. Loren won’t be lost if he bought a city map.
  2. If Sam talks about her problems, she would feel much better.
  3. If they borrowed books from libraries early, they will save more money. 
  4. If I are you, I would go to the party with Jean.
  5. If I met BTS, I will take a picture with them.
  6. I will feel delighted if I went out with you.
  7. If I has won the lottery, I would be a millionaire.
  8. If I was rich, I would quit my job.
  9. I would travel around the world if I will quit my job.
  10. I buy anything I want if I got that jackpot.
  11. I would have bought the most expensive car if I wanted.
  12. If I traveled somewhere, I will stay in the most luxurious hotels.
  13. Were you take that music class, you could play the piano.
  14. Where has you chosen if you traveled around the world?
  15. If I lived in America for 2 years, my English had improved.
  16. She won’t talk to you if she were mad at you.
  17. You would become ill if you has forgot your jacket.

Đáp án:

  1. won't be lost -> wouldn't be lost
  2. talks -> talked
  3. will save -> would save
  4. are -> were
  5. will take -> would take
  6. will feel -> would feel 
  7. has won -> won
  8. was -> were
  9. will quit -> quit
  10. buy -> would buy
  11. would have bought -> would buy
  12. will stay -> would stay
  13. take -> to take
  14. has you chosen -> would you choose
  15. had improved -> would improve
  16. won’t talk -> wouldn’t talk 
  17. has forgot -> forgot

Bài tập 5: Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 viết lại câu

  1. My boss doesn’t let me take a rest. I feel exhausted now. 
  2. I’m not going to buy this car for you because it wastes too much money.
  3. The weather is not good today. We can’t go out for a walk. 
  4. They don’t tell her the truth. She is very upset now. 
  5. I don’t know Ronald’s address so I can’t send him the party invitation.
  6. I’m not going to buy that car because it’s too expensive.
  7. She doesn’t go out very often because she can’t walk without help.
  8. He is weak but he doesn’t play sports.
  9. We can’t go out for dinner because it’s raining.
  10. I can’t see you this Monday because I have to work.

Đáp án:

  1. If my boss let me take a rest, I wouldn't feel exhausted now.
  2. If this car didn't waste too much money, I would buy it for you.
  3. If the weather were good today, we could go out for a walk.
  4. If they told her the truth, she wouldn't be upset now.
  5. If I knew Ronald's address, I could send him the party invitation. 
  6. I would buy that car if it weren't too expensive.
  7. She would go out very often if she could walk with help.
  8. If he played sports, he wouldn't be weak.
  9. We would go out for dinner if it weren't raining.
  10. If I didn't have to work, I could see you this Monday.


Bài viết trên của Langmaster đã củng cố lại kiến thức và cung cấp một số bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2. Hy vọng qua các bài tập viết câu điều kiện loại 2, bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 trắc nghiệm ở trên, các bạn có thể thành thạo được điểm ngữ pháp thông dụng này và áp dụng trong cả giao tiếp và thi cử nhé!

Trung tâm tiếng Anh giao tiếp Langmaster

Trung tâm tiếng Anh giao tiếp Langmaster

Langmaster là trung tâm tiếng Anh giao tiếp DUY NHẤT trên thị trường cam kết chuẩn đầu ra theo CEFR. Không chỉ dừng lại ở việc đào tạo tiếng Anh, chúng tôi muốn truyền cảm hứng cho học viên, thay đổi niềm tin và thói quen để trở thành những người thành đạt có trách nhiệm với gia đình và xã hội!

Nội Dung Hot


Khoá học trực tuyến
1 kèm 1

  • Học và trao đổi trực tiếp 1 thầy 1 trò.
  • Giao tiếp liên tục, sửa lỗi kịp thời, bù đắp lỗ hổng ngay lập tức.
  • Lộ trình học được thiết kế riêng cho từng học viên.
  • Dựa trên mục tiêu, đặc thù từng ngành việc của học viên.
  • Học mọi lúc mọi nơi, thời gian linh hoạt.

Chi tiết



  • Học các kỹ năng trong công việc: đàm phán, thuyết trình, viết email, gọi điện,...
  • Chủ đề học liên quan trực tiếp đến các tình huống công việc thực tế
  • Đội ngũ giáo viên tối thiểu 7.5 IELTS hoặc 900 TOEIC, có kinh nghiệm thực tế với tiếng Anh công sở.
  • Phương pháp học chủ đạo: Siêu phản xạ, PG (chuẩn hóa phát âm), PBL (Học qua dự án),...

Chi tiết



  • Giáo viên đạt tối thiểu 7.5+ IELTS/900+ TOEIC và có kinh nghiệm giảng dạy tiếng Anh công sở
  • Lộ trình học thiết kế riêng phù hợp với mục tiêu doanh nghiệp.
  • Nội dung học và các kỹ năng tiếng Anh có tính thực tế cao
  • Tổ chức lớp học thử cho công ty để trải nghiệm chất lượng đào tạo

Chi tiết

Bài viết khác